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All Seasons Health SpirulinaPatty's Healthy Resolutions

Step 1: Write down a specific, measurable outcome - that's a goal! Rather than a vague promise to "lose weight" or "lower my cholesterol", set an actual target such as "This year, I will achieve a body weight of 135 pounds, with 20% body fat (108 pounds lean weight + 27 pounds body fat)", or "I will lower my cholesterol from 248 down to 180."

These are specific end points, like the bulls-eye on the dart board, which will represent success. Because the outcome can be measured, you'll be able to know for sure when you get there.

Step 2: Choose to practice new behaviors to reach your goal. When a person who lives in, let's say, Boston hops in the car on a road trip to Phoenix, you know they'll have to break out a map. If they don't, they'll probably end up hopelessly lost and nowhere near Phoenix. To successfully reach your goal "destination", you'll need to create a map of behaviors to help you get there.

It's a good idea to begin by first analyzing your starting point. I suggest you make three lists: 1) current behaviors that will prevent you from reaching your goal 2) current behaviors that will help you reach your goal and 3) essential new behaviors you must learn to incorporate, that will help you reach your goal.

It's a no-brainer that the behaviors found on list #1 are ones that should be drop-kicked from your life, as they will do nothing but drag you down and prevent you from hitting your target. The items on list #2 are good, and should be continued, but they may not be enough to help you reach your goals. Making the commitment to learn and to practice the behaviors found on list #3 is critical to your success. An example of behaviors, related to a weight loss goal:

List #1
I enjoy after work happy hour with drinks and high-fat snacks once or twice a week I often snack without thinking, and clean the last few bites off the kid's plates I eat a large meal late in the day
I never have time to prepare meals, so we eat a lot of fast food. I don't weigh myself - I just buy bigger clothes
I sit a lot and don't really exercise
I've given up - I just can't lose weight

List #2
I walk the dog twice each day, for 10 minutes at a time.
I try to eat balanced meals, but I don't really watch my portion sizes. I eat breakfast every day.
I try to put a sack lunch together most days.
I weigh myself, but don't measure myself.
I exercise sometimes, but I'm not very consistent.
I try to diet, but get discouraged and usually quit when I don't get quick results.

List #3
I will increase my heart rate to be aerobic while walking the dog, by stepping up the pace. I will develop a repertoire of healthy, colorful, nutrient-dense foods that I really like to eat. I will then plan enjoyable meals and snacks using these foods. I will learn to divide my calorie intake appropriately throughout the day, based on my Weight Loss Calorie Plan allotment. I will plan, prepare, shop and learn to spend some time in the kitchen preparing healthy meals and snacks. I will weigh and measure myself once each week. I will track my progress in losing fat while preserving lean weight to make sure my weight loss is staying on track. I will perform aerobic exercise at least four times per week AND strength-training exercises at least two times per week. It's top priority! I am dedicated to my goal! I have made the commitment to eat healthy foods, exercise and change my habits. I make time each day for my top priority activities that will make my dream a reality!

Step 3: Develop a new mindset to reach your goal.
It's one thing to begin a new project, all excited and raring to go. No matter how strong your commitment and gung-ho your attitude is in the beginning, the daily challenges of time pressure, lack of sleep, and commitments to work, school, family, friends and community, will threaten even the strongest resolve. It takes more than just knowing what should be done; a changed life also requires a changed mind. Developing this new mindset and learning to incorporate new and healthy behaviors into your life is a very active process!

Every day you will have many opportunities to make choices. On and on ... many times over ... you'll make decisions which will either lead you to success or to failure. The key to success is to regularly ask yourself, "Is this behavior one that will take me closer to my goal?" You can choose to get up early and exercise, or hit the snooze button. You can choose to pack a lunch the night before to take to work the following day, or you can choose to leave the house with no lunch and grab some fast food at noon.

You can choose to feed your feelings of boredom with a bag of chips, or you can face yourself squarely and say, "What else could I find to do besides eat junk food that would make me feel happy and successful?" Each time you do choose to perform activities that will help you reach your goal it will become easier to, next time, make yet another good choice. This is how true changes occur - step by step, one good choice at a time. Success is a positive feedback loop -the more times you make good choices, the better results you will experience, and the easier it will be to continue making those choices until they are ingrained into being new and healthy habits.

Realize that the journey you are beginning toward your target goal will change you. Not only the way you will look, but the way you'll think and behave will be new. Start right now to visualize yourself AS that strong and successful new person. Put a picture on your mirror, computer screen or refrigerator of the "you" you hope to become - whether it's a college era photo or the picture of a healthy, strong person you admire. Rehearse the way in which you will order healthy menu selections when your friends invite you to join them for after work "happy hour". Select an item of clothing that is a little snug now and hang it up in the front of your closet. Try it on at weekly intervals and enjoy the steady progress you make toward being able to zip, button, or pull it up over your hips.

Eventually you will be able to wear it and you'll feel amazing. Get out your calendar and develop a plan to drop-kick those activities that do not add to your efforts toward reaching your goal. Organize your schedule, your office, your home and your activities so you can perform all of the behaviors found on your own list #3.

About the Author

Patricia S. Church RN, BSN, author of The Tortoise Diet invites you to learn more about how she lost 120 pounds. Visit her site at

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